Tuesday, September 18, 2007

the wedding!

Some of my favorite photos of the bride and groom. The entire set is here. The wedding was held at the Crossed Keys Inn in New Jersey. It was such a classy outdoor country setting. Donna and I had a blast driving there (9 hours from Michigan), cracking ourselves up with insane stories few others would understand and stopping frequently for bathroom breaks. And we got to hang out with our new friends, Beth, Jen, and Julie, who I feel like we've known forever, and who all fit into our lives so easily.

Beth & Julie

Chris & Jen

At the pub, after the wedding reception

The thing I came away with the most, aside from witnessing two of my favorite people get married in a beautiful setting, was how much I deserve to have these same things. I've gone to weddings in the past and come home depressed about being single. This time, seeing other couples so happy, meeting my friends' awesome husbands - it just showed me how utterly WRONG the people I've been dating are for me. Men who can't commit, men who put me second (or third or fourth), men who leave me for the stupidest reasons ever . . . it doesn't have to be that way, and I won't allow it anymore.

So I left the wedding hopeful. I felt special and appreciated by all the people I met there. I feel myself opening up and changing and knowing exactly what I want (and don't want). I feel powerful, desirable, and in control. It's a new beginning.

I'm ready. Come to me.


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Now you know what the rest of us have known forever. You are beyond awesome.

Anonymous said...

we've always appreciated you lisa; glad you finally do too. and nobody appreciates your warped sense of humor more than i do.

it was an awesome time, wasn't it. :-)

Genie said...

A wonderful new beginning. Good for you! I read tarot cards and I get SO sick of women who just let men walk all over them and don't put themselves on more of a pedastal. Their questions are always the same, "Will he ever leave his wife and be with me?" "Will he ever love me like I love him?" "Will I meet anybody this year?" Ugh. Grow up, ladies! Own your worth and stop settling for anybody!

My fave pics of the wedding were DSC_0160.jpg because of the cute factor, DSC_0244.jpg because of the composition and because it's such a natural looking shot, and several others actually but have run out of time to comment on them all. Great job!