Wednesday, July 2, 2008

cupcakes & quilts

july 4th cupcakes

Tonight it stormed. Again. Not that I'm complaining - storms are right up there on the things I love, slightly behind beer. Plus it's free water and my lawn has never looked so good.

While the rain beat against the windows, I made 4th of July cupcakes to take to work. I'm hoping they'll hold up overnight - I accidentally put 1/2 cup of milk into the frosting instead of 1/4 cup. Crap! Which then meant I had to add more powdered sugar to thicken it up. I should have put in more butter, but I used the last of it pre-catastrophe. So the frosting has an odd fluffy texture, instead of being creamy and firm, and is threatening to completely collapse. I'm hoping I don't have to offer my coworkers a pile of mush tomorrow. Let's all cross our fingers, shall we?

I'd love nothing more than to take them all to bed and eat them beneath my wonderful new bedding:

new bedding

Isn't it just so warm and cozy? Ruffly and girly? It's completely different from any bedding I've owned before. The cats are already sprawled across it in glee. And now it's time for me to climb in, open my new Cooking Fresh magazine, and read until I fall asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh..the cupcakes look good. I'm sure they'll hold up fine!

And love that bedding!
Sounds like you'll have a relaxing night. :)